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The Curse Of Neon Genesis Evangelion(Day 7)

Writing Challenge Day 7: Your Favorite Movie

Play the song above.

Komm, süßer Tod, Come, Sweet Death

“No one understands me.”

“You never understood anything.”

“I thought this was supposed to be a world without pain, and without uncertainty.”

“That's because you thought that everyone else felt the same as you do.”

“You betrayed me!  You betrayed my feelings!”

“You misunderstood from the very beginning.

You just believed what you wanted to believe.”

“Nobody wants me so they can all just die.”

“Then what is your hand for?”

“Nobody cares whether or not I exist, and nothing ever changes…”

So they can all just die.

“Then tell me, what is your heart for?”

“It would be better if I never existed…”

I should just die too.”

“Then why are you here?”

“Is it okay for me to be here?”


Kutipan dari salah satu film favorite gue, Neon Genesis Evangelion. Sesuai tema hari ini yaitu film favorite. Kutipan di atas terjadi saat Shinji berada di Human instrumjflosah;e;ioh Project, dimana semua pikiran umat manusia sudah menjadi satu. Jadi manusia bisa mengerti satu-sama lain. Buat yang belum tau kalau End of Evangelion ini adalah lanjutan dari anime series nya sendiri yaitu Neon Genesis Evangelion, lebih tepatnya kejadian ketika episode 24 dan 25. kalau di series episode 24 dan 25 menceritakan dari sisi psikologis Shinji sedangkan di Movie lebih menceritakan keadaan sekitar sebelum dan sesudah 3rd impact. apa itu 3rd impact? Basically everyone turned into orange fanta and their mind merge into sea.Oh iya lupa gue jelasin plot evangelion secara garis besar adalah manusia melawan monster yang dinamai angle.lebih lengkap nya gue copy aja langsung dari wikipedia.

Evangelion is set fifteen years after a worldwide cataclysm, particularly in the futuristic fortified city of Tokyo-3. The protagonist is Shinji, a teenage boy who was recruited by his father Gendo to the shadowy organization Nerv to pilot a giant bio-machine mecha called an "Evangelion" into combat with alien beings called "Angels". The series explores the experiences and emotions of Evangelion pilots and members of Nerv as they try to prevent Angels from causing more cataclysms. In the process, they are called upon to understand the ultimate causes of events and the motives for human action.[5] It recast the saintly inventor/father as a sinister figure, and the enthusiastic teenage protagonist as a vacillating introvert, a deconstruction of classic mecha anime tropes.[6] The series features archetypal imagery derived from Shinto cosmology as well as Jewish and Christian mystical traditions, including Midrashic tales, Kabbalah and Gnosticism. The psychoanalytic theories of Freud and Jung also feature prominently.[7]

Darimana asal angles? kenapa mereka menyerang manusia khususnya markas nerv? Panjang ceritanya lebih baik kalian menonton sendiri saja. You can read Wikipedia for a greater understanding of the lore but it is not that important because the themes regarding escapism and loneliness are its core. BTW gak usah nonton reboot nya cuz it sucks.

Jadi ada tiga pilot utama Evangelion, Shinji, Asuka dan Rei. Kalau kalian menonton series setelah episode 16 selain melawan Angles cerita difokuskan ke Inner thought setiap pilot,

regarding theirs self-identity. Cerita berfokus kepada kesepian dan kecacatan mereka dalam mencari kebahagian.( Mirip cerita dari orang yang gue kenal).

Shinji lost his mother at a young age and his father abandoned him. Asuka was forced to grow up at a young age, relying only on her abilities to suppress her loneliness, through a sense of superiority and never shown any weakness. Rey is a clone who was a soul, forced to lose her memories every time she dies and was raised to never have a grasp on her emotions by living secluded from human connection. How depressing it is?

Balik fokus kita ke movie nya, Shinji accept that he can live for himself by forming his own identity and finding happiness. However, the End of Evangelion movie removes the self realization from the show and recontextualizes the finale by putting Shinji in a more intimate need for human connection after killing Kaworu (his one night stand). He starts demanding a comatose Asuka to hate him, to validate his existence; leaving his based sexual urges(Shinji is gay or bi) as the only means of attachment to her. Throughout the anime, Shinji was never shown to be openly sexually frustrated, sometimes showing a desire for intimacy with Asuka but this recontextualization emphasizes Shinji's desire to connect with others at his lowest. 

Shinji thinks that if he can be altruistic to others it will give him meaning in life and remove his loneliness. But this shows the truth of his heart: He will love anyone if they love him in return and therefore he loves no one...He is simply using others as a means of escapism

instead of loving himself first… This becomes Shinji's final cry for anyone to love him, to form any attachment to him even though he has nothing to offer in return. To which, Asuka refuses; no one has any obligation to live for your sake or to accept you simply because you exist. 

Unable to accept absolute loneliness and find any justification and being alive, Shinji is consumed by nihilism and destructive impulses(Aq banget), strangling Asuka(literary). If people are unable to properly love or be loved by anyone else then everyone should just die.

This movie is really recommended when you feel lonely. It changed me in a positive way, for example I Stopped doing bad habits and I quit smoking. Most of my friends(which I don’t have much) don’t know that I consume tabaco. This movie show Escapism and dreams are not good because you do not exist in those dreams. You can only exist in reality.  Escapism can only act as a relapse(don’t do drugs kid). They are illusions and are not a means of living. Pesan yang ingin disampaikan movie ini adalah do not indulge in any kind of escapism. All desires for escapism originates from a hatred of reality and a lack of self acceptance. I was stagnating and regressing, doing nothing as I reject reality and indulge further into escapism. In This movie escapism = 3rd impact.

I Relate with Shinji so much, if you read day 5 you must know why. Yeah everyone hates him. Y’all  don’t know what loneliness can do to you. I understand him, understand his feelings. I don’t know if it's biased because I have a weak mind and soft heart. If I’m Shinji I don’t mind turning everyone into orange Fanta just to erase my loneliness. Sorry about that.

Masih banyak yang bisa gue bicarakan tentang philosophy evangelion but, udah duduk didepan laptop selama 3 setengah jam fuck my back hurt, capek pak. Mungkin bakalan ada part 2 idk. That’s it for today see you at day 8. also big thanks to main source


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