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First Love (day 19)

(Writing Challenge Day 19)

I don’t in the mood to write this topic. Maybe this is will be a short one. Everyone may say their first love is their parent. well, I can’t argue with that but I’m gonna write about my first girlfriend. My first love didn’t go well. I mean we’re still a kid. Teenage homo sapiens with their stupid hormones. Wait do 12 years old count as teenage or still a kid? Adolescence may be the right word. So what the dumbness we do you ask? skipping school together, idk basically we think that we’re the only person in the world. We were in the same school but both of us are shy so we infrequently go out together. 

The predicament is her parent, her Mom to be exact. Her Mom is a remarkably conservative type of person. Yes, we are kinda in a backstreet relationship. If I’m in her mom’s shoes would I let the only one 11 years old daughter have a boyfriend? Maybe no, especially not to a messy guy like me. The worst is her mom is a teacher in our school. Our moves are really limited. Talking about her mom conservatism(?) her mom is really still using the caste system. Basically here people still using the caste system. pretty dumb right. I mean why you feel higher than me because your great great great granpa fought a war an be a knight. Why would I using different language to you just because of your great great great great granparent is former failure king. In bali there are 5 castes extent, you can google it yourself. She is the second one, an Anak Agung. Apperently her anchestor is a knight. meanwile I’m the last one Sudra just ordinary people.(Actually my dad is Brahmana but he’s throw his name and his family. maybe i’ll tell you in another story.) 

Back to my gf mom. she’s religion teacher. when I’m in 8 grade she’s the one who teache me. Maybe she know i’m dating with her daughter. I feel like she passive-aggrasive attacking me. She always targeting me and find my mistake. Somehow in every lectures she always manage to slip why caste system is important. My score from her subject always declening. At one point she ask me to come to his office. You must really know how it ended. Yes, she confronting me and ask me to break up with her daughter. I gave up. I broke up with her. that’s the end. 

that’s it for day 19. if you have feedback sent it to the comment or my twitter @silver_kafka


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