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30 Facts That Nobody Want To Know About Me(day 18)

Writing Challenge day 18: Thirty Facts About Me

Hi I’m back. It’s more than a month since my last blog post. First of all, I apologize to five people who are always reading my blog posts. I don’t know if you're a real human or just a bot, no judge. Honestly I’m waiting for your feedback in the comment section. 30 facts about me eh? idk where to start, should i make it to ‘list’ format?

  1. I don’t mix my porridge

yeah I know it’s an overused joke but still, why would you?

  1. I’m Pansexual

Yeah go ahead joke about Pan. I might still be laughing. Why I’m pan? idk bruh, why are you str8? imho I couldn’t care less about gender nor sexuality. Love is love(and consent.) Freedom love(and hate) whom you be. I heard people on LGBT community saying something like ”Pan people just Bi who are trying to be different”. Again i don’t really care. I exist as who I am, No one can’t tell me what I am.

  1. Fat.

A few days ago I was officially under 100kg(thank depression /jk). but still I have more workout to do.

  1. Like Bear

    I really want to hug a bear even if it can do it once in your lifetime.

  1. Balinese boi.

  2. Professional procrastinator.

  3. Mostly wear black cuz it hides my fat.

  4. I just realized while writing this, that I love writing. On my hiatus on writing Challenge I write a short movie script. You can watch it on youtube by searching my youtube channel “crisp bean”.

  5. have crippling depression(self claimed)

  6. have social anxiety which causing gerd sometimes(certified by therapist)

  7. love the beatles, lagi sering dengerin Hindia sama feast.

  8. Have a lo-fi rap playlist on my soundcloud and play-repeat it a hundred times. literally.

  9. Freelance website developer. (hire me anyone).

  10. Furry(maybe)

  11. I’m trying and learn to be stoic. if you don’t know stoic / stoicism search it on google. I swear it helps you with your mental health.

  12. Really love We Bare Bears(cartoon show)

Man, the new spin-off probably sucks, but I need to stop bitching about kid show.

  1. Big fan of Steven Universe.

I relate so much to Steven. “Steven Universe: Future”? more like “Steven Depression: My Mom Gave Me PTSD” amirite? anyway stan Rose Quartzes. #RoseQuartzesDidNothingWrong.

  1. Almost commiting not living by defy the gravity.

  2. Pretty much nihilist

  3. Love Playing Ukulele but can’t really master it due the short of my finger. Curse you B minor and E major chord.

  4. Like to learn other instruments especially piano but kondisi ekonomi tidak memadai.

  5. My favorite musician is atlas(lo-fi rapper). my Mom said my voice sounded like They. I might cover some of They acoustic songs in the future. 

  6. On time and schedule. I got anxious whenever I miss my schedule like now I'm supposed to be on my bath time like an hour ago. But here I am writing this blog post.

      24. Quite tech savy.

  1. Tahun lalu ingin meninggal tapi tahun sekarang atau tahun depan cukup ingin tidak exist di dunia ini.

  2. Have three social media accounts with different personas.

  3. Single(hmu :/)

  4. like chub.

  5. Hate number 25.

Ok that all unnecessary infos about me. Now let me have a peace time on my bathtub. Any feedback? comment below or my twitter @silver_kafka. see ya tommorow


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